Setup an NFS File Share

Setup an NFS File Share
Photo by Maksym Kaharlytskyi / Unsplash

Setting up an NFS share gives you an easy way to share files between your Linux servers and clients

sudo apt install nfs-kernel-server


sudo nano /etc/exports

Add the following to the end of the file...

  • /mnt/HDD is the folder/directory you want to share
  • is the IP range you want this share to be accessible from. Note, you can also share individual IP addresses in the format
  • rw means the share will have read and write privileges. If you want read only privileges then you would use ro
  • sync means that all changes to the share are immediately flushed to disk
  • no_subtree_check means that you will also gain access to any subfolders within /mnt/HDD

Make sure to change the mountpoint and accessible IP range

Restart the NFS Service…

sudo exportfs -arv

How to Mount

To mount this on a Linux system, add this to the file /etc/fstab ensuring that you have the package nfs-common installed

ip-of-nfs-server:/mnt/HDD /mountpoint/ nfs rw 0 0