Install Proxmox Backup Server in an LXC Container

Instructions for installing Proxmox Backup Server (PBS) inside of an LXC container. This is a lightweight way to run PBS that I've used for years.
Create a Debian 12 LXC with a minimum of 2 cores and 2GB of RAM.
For storage, I like to have the main filesystem on SSD then the storage that I'll later use for the PBS data on my hard drives a little something like this...

Once it has booted, proceed with the following instructions...
Update the system
apt update
apt dist-upgrade -y
Add the repository key
wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/proxmox-release-bookworm.gpg
Add the repo to the sources
echo "deb bookworm pbs-no-subscription" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
Update the package cache and install Proxmox Backup Server
apt update
apt install proxmox-backup-server -y
Once the command has finished, you should then be able to access the web UI on port 8007
Once you've reached the PBS login screen, you'll want to login using the username root and the same password as the one that you used to setup the LXC container.
Once logged in, you'll need to click Add Datastore in the menu on the left side of the screen.
Then just fill this in as normal by giving it a name and setting the backing path value to something such as /srv
depending on where you mounted your storage earlier.
At this point, you're ready to point your Proxmox host at your PBS LXC for backups.