Automatic SSL Certs with Certbot and Cloudflare

Automatic SSL Certs with Certbot and Cloudflare
Photo by FlyD / Unsplash

Here's how you can utilise the Cloudflare API to generate self signed certificates using Certbot and Let's Encrypt. This is completely free assuming you already have a domain registered with Cloudflare.


First, you'll need to install a few packages to be able to use Certbot and the Cloudflare DNS plugin...

apt install certbot python3-certbot python3-certbot-dns-cloudflare

Cloudflare Token

You'll need to login to your Cloudflare account and generate an API Token that Certbot will use to create a temporary DNS record to verify you own the domain...

  • Log in to your Cloudflare account.
  • Go to "My Profile" → "API Tokens".
  • Click on "Create Token".
  • Under "Permissions", select "Zone" and ensure it has permissions to edit DNS records.
  • Copy the generated API token and note it down for the next step.

Back to your terminal now.

mkdir -p ~/.secrets/certbot/
nano ~/.secrets/certbot/cloudflare.ini

Enter the following into this file...

# Cloudflare API credentials used by Certbot
dns_cloudflare_api_token = 

After the = symbol, paste the API token you generated in the previous step.

Next, set the necessary permissions on the file you just created...

chmod 600 ~/.secrets/certbot/cloudflare.ini

Generating the Certificate

Now you're ready to generate the SSL certificate

certbot certonly --dns-cloudflare --dns-cloudflare-credentials ~/.secrets/certbot/cloudflare.ini --dns-cloudflare-propagation-seconds 60 -d

Make sure to replace with your actual domain. Note you can generate a certificate for multiple domains or even a wildcard certificate. For each domain, you just need to duplicate the -d section. Here's an example of how it can look...

certbot certonly --dns-cloudflare --dns-cloudflare-credentials ~/.secrets/certbot/cloudflare.ini --dns-cloudflare-propagation-seconds 60 -d -d *

Automatic Renewal

For this example, I'm going to show you how to setup automatic renewal with Haproxy as the system using the certificate but you can swap this out fairly easily with Nginx for example just by swapping the system you're restarting at the end...


echo "Starting Renewal Process"
/usr/bin/certbot renew

echo "Replacing Existing Cert"
rm /etc/haproxy/cert.pem
cat /etc/letsencrypt/live/ >> /etc/haproxy/cert.pem
cat /etc/letsencrypt/live/ >> /etc/haproxy/cert.pem

echo "Restarting Haproxy"
systemctl restart haproxy

Ensure you change the path to the certificate to match the actual path.

That's it, I call the above script using a cron job once a week but you can run this manually if you'd prefer.